Mar 13, 2006

Life update

Months ago I said I would tell of my trip to Greece. I never finished with the 3rd day of the trip. Basically, we went to the Acropolis. It was fun, but the other days were better in my opinion. We had more enjoyment from the fact that for about 3 hours a stray dog joined us and became our unoffical tourguide. We were sad when he left us for a group of German teenagers.

More recently, I went to the US to be at the wedding of my cousin Roger. It was a big beautiful affair with a Cuban flair to it. My cousin married a wonderful woman from Miami's, Jewish-Cuban community. It was a very big wedding by US standards. Close to 500 guests.

The other purpose for the visit to the US was to see my family including my mom, sister, aunt and grandmother. It was a wonderful visit and we don't know when the next opportunity will arise for us to be together. I actually shared a hotel room with my sister. It was the most quality time I've spent with her since before she was married 10 years ago.

My time with my grandma was really special too. For years now, whenever I see her, we do the daily crossword puzzle together. It's an activity that is special for the both of us. I look forward to it every time we see each other.

This week is Purim. Elana and I will dress up in matching costumes. We found a good pun to dress up as. For those of you who are less familiar with Purim, it is a holiday where we read the Book of Esther and celebrate the defeat of long dead enemies. We also give out food, dress up in costumes, dance and get drunk.

That's all for now. There's more going on, but I don't want to bore you.

Oh yeah, in the past few months, my law review article was finally published.

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