Jan 5, 2007

A walk in downtown L.A.

So last week, I was lucky to get out of jury duty. Afterwards, I had some time to kill during which I strolled the streets until I made it back to my law school campus. Along the way, I snapped a few shots of the city.

Here are a few shots of the world famous Disney Music Hall designed by the same guy who designed the EMP in Seattle.

This is where my prom was.

I usually think of downtown LA as dirty and undesirable to be in, but it really has some beautiful buildings.

There's even a bit of civic artwork.

This guy was riding his skateboard like a sled.

Who knew you could go ice skating outside in Los Angeles?

This is the inside of the LA Central Library.

As the sun was getting lower and peeking through the clouds, the light changed and this building really stood out.

It was also the day that President Ford died.

...and then I ran out of room on my cellphone.

1 comment:

meish said...

These are really pretty pictures! I've lived downtown for so many years, and have yet to walk around and take shots of all the pretty buildings :) Did you have jury duty at Stanley Mosk? That's where I work!