Jul 29, 2007

Missing my Big Bro, Robert D. Myers

Just as I was about to start taking my first set of midterm exams in my first year of law school, I was called by my big brother Robert. He was in the hospital with a growth. He told me not to worry- that I should focus on my studies.

Over the course of the next 10 or so months, I visited him in various stages of his sickness and sometimes took him places when he had the health to do that. He was very proud of me going to law school. Of everything I did. We first met when I was 14 years old and we had remained close for the next 14 years.

He passed away during the first week of my second year of law school. I missed the first week of classes and I lost my best friend...more than a friend. I considered him family.

Whenever I needed to talk to 'someone', he was the someone I called. Even when I lived in Israel for 5 years, I would check the clock and see if he would be awake. I once spoke to him from 11,000 miles away while both of us were in traffic jams on cellphones.

Last Thursday, after I got home from the celebratory dinner after finishing the Bar Exam. I got the feeling I get a lot. I got the feeling I needed to call someone. I reached for the phone. Then I realized that he was gone.

This happens way too much. I still hope that the feeling does not go away.

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